ChemE Calculator.

ChemE Calculator was the first app I posted on the App Store. I posted it in 2017, and today I look at it with fresh eyes and I’m amazed I put so many capabilities in it. I started with the VLE calculations and added the steam tables, unit converter, and chemical database search features one at a time in major updates. Units are completely user-selected: everywhere there’s a value either entered or displayed, the user can pull up a menu and select the units they prefer.

One of the key benefits of the apps I develop is what comes up when you push “Help.” I take the time to describe what is happening and how to use it so that users are as informed as possible. ChemE Calculator is a case in point. Every screen has its own “Help” section when users press the “info” icon in the upper right corner. For scientific apps, users need to orient themselves within the onscreen environment, and understand what’s happening behind the scenes to gain confidence in the results that are produced.

This app has been downloaded by thousands of people from all around the world, and has been posted on at least one “Top 10 Chemical Engineering App” site.